Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome!
    • Pre-Survey
  • 2

    Be Diet Free

    • Be Diet-Free Intro
    • Workbook
    • Be Diet-Free Video Lesson
    • Video 1 Dialogue
    • Quiz
  • 3

    Be a Non-dieter

    • Be a Non-dieter Intro
    • Workbook
    • Be a Non-dieter Video Lesson
    • Video 2 Dialogue
    • Quiz
  • 4

    Be Loved

    • Be Loved Intro
    • Workbook
    • Be Loved Video Lesson
    • Video 3 Dialogue
    • Quiz
  • 5

    Closing Remarks

    • Resources and further reading
    • Final survey
    • Parting Thoughts
  • 6

    What to do next

    • A gift just for you!


  • Is this study Health At Every Size® and non-diet aligned?

    YES! The Registered Dietitians who created this course are HAES® informed, fat-positive and weight neutral providers who bring their expertise in this area into the course.

  • Can I use this study for my small group?

    At this time our content is made for individuals. We are working on a small group leader guide and will be available this summer. We ask that you do not purchase this course and share it with multiple people or use for groups.

  • If I don’t like the program, can I get a refund?

    Because Food Freedom Bible Study is a digital product, we do not offer refunds.

  • How long is the program?

    It is designed to be broken up into 3 weeks. Each lesson should take less then an hour to complete. You will have 120 days to complete the program once you’ve started.

  • Is the content recorded live or can I watch it anytime?

    All the content is pre-recorded and is available to you 24/7.

  • Will this program accommodate people with disabilities?

    We have provided a separate document of the video script for those who are hard of hearing.





“Finally a study about food and body image that doesn’t push diet culture’s agenda. Diet culture has infiltrated our places of worship with fatphobic jokes and weight loss as sermon illustrations. We are being held in bondage by the chains of a constant obsession with food and body. Every woman in the church needs this study.”
Registered Dietitian, Founder, Body & Soul Nutrition Counseling

Kristen Bunger

Registered Dietitian, Founder, Body & Soul Nutrition Counseling

"I just finished the course and I am so excited about it. I know this stuff. I preach it. I live it. And this study was still nourishment to my soul. Amy, was so funny and animated, but still beautifully communicated the truth in a loving and respectful way. The content of the videos and the workbook was very applicable and hit on so many issues our clients struggle with. I honestly can't say enough positive about this study and I just have a lot of gratitude that you all wrote it and put it together. I can't wait to recommend it to so many!"



“Food Freedom Bible Study gave me hope that lasting freedom from food, weight and exercise obsession IS possible. Rooted in the truth of God’s Word, Food Freedom Bible Study reminded me of God’s great love for me just as I am, opened my eyes to new truths about the dangers of dieting, and provided practical tools to assist me in making changes to how I think about and treat my body. I plan to refer often to the Food Freedom material as I continue to walk the path of healing in this area of my life.”

Meet the instructor…

Amy Ozier, PhD, RD

Amy is first and foremost a child of God. Along with that role, she is a wife to a hot hubby and also a mom to 3 amazing kids. Their youngest arrived home from China in 2019 through adoption. She has realized that all of us are adopted in the Kingdom thanks to the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. She is humbled to be a disciple who can share in the GOoD news about body, eating and movement. In Jesus name, she asks for freedom and peace for those who struggle with body and eating issues. Amy has recently begun a new journey as a nutrition therapist working with those who struggle with food and body image. She is tickled pink to be in this role of sharing the truth about body, food and movement. She is humbled to be a part of the Health At Every Size (HAES) movement and bring awareness that "everybody is a good body". Some of her past professional endeavors included Associate Professor at Northern Illinois University, corporate wellness RD, and research consultant. She believes that research, science, and a heart for God can make a powerful punch for the HAES paradigm.
Watch Intro Video

Katie's story